Serving El Dorado Hills, Cameron Park, Shingle Springs, Rescue, Placerville, Camino, Diamond Springs, El Dorado, Lotus, Coloma and some extended areas.  Call/text.

Passing with Dignity

* Note:  For our Swansboro, Garden Valley, Kelsey, Georgetown, Cool and Somerset clients, we have met them at various parks (e.g. Henningsen Lotus Park, Lions Park, etc) within our service area to help their pet pass peacefully at the park and then be transported for communal or private cremation thereafter.  Please click on the Appointments tab to request this special park euthanasia service.

To read/write a review on Passing With Dignity (PWD) please click on any of the logos below.  Over 200 Five Star Reviews and 400 Likes


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​​​OPEN:  8am - 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.  Closed:  Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday (Sun emergencies only - if available).

Call/text 530-306-5823 seven days a week (text preferred) as we do check our messages multiple times a day.   At home euthanasia services offered at 10am, 1pm and 3pm.  Phone consults offered at 8:15am and 4:15pm

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NextDoor - Neighborhood Fave Awards

Professional, personal, and private end-of-life care for your pets at your own home.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​We will do our best to make your pet's passing as gentle, peaceful and loving as possible!

Our best,

Dr. Sara and Craig

Over 200 Five Star Reviews

​and 400 Likes/Faves!

Dr. Sara Nadolski ("Dr. Sara") has been a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) for over 35 years.  She is a U.C. Davis graduate (summa cum laude) and U.C. Davis "fellow" (i.e. highly trained in internal medicine).  Dr. Sara is also a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA).  Her DVM/CVA combination provides her with unique insights into alternative care for older pets as well as assisting with their peaceful passing.  Dr. Sara is licensed to practice in California, Oregon and Washington. 

My background

Our Mission

After enjoying a long and bountiful life... to help the passing of your pet be as peaceful as possible at your own home.   All pets are  fully sedated prior to euthanasia to ensure their peaceful passing. 

If you’re anything like me, you have an incredible connection with your pets.   That's why your pet's end-of-life decision is so tough.  We're here to help.   The passing of your pet should be tender, thoughtful and done privately and peacefully at your own home.   Dr. Sara Nadolski, DVM (Dr. Sara) provides caring and comfortable at home pet euthanasia, cremation and consulting services to pet lovers in El Dorado Hills, Cameron Park, Shingle Springs, Rescue, El Dorado, Diamond Springs, Lotus, Coloma, most of Placerville (excluding Swans-boro and some outlying areas.  See below for options*), plus portions of Folsom, Pilot Hill, and Pollock Pines.    Call/text: 530-306-5823.

Please click on the Appointments tab (left side or three cell bars - above) to request an appointment or a phone consult. ​ Please click on the Services/Pricing tab for pricing information.  

At Home Pet Euthanasia and Cremation Services